Check out this short video of Brian Lyons, from GO! St. Louis, talking about a bunch of issues we know are out there in the industry and what he’s been doing with ChronoTrack Live to make his races easier to manage.  Some highlights from a Halloween 10K event:

  • They simplified data management by consolidating registration, on-site registration & race check-in
  • They managed race check-in at local retail partners
  • They cut back on the number of volunteers they needed
  • They never had to close registration (all the way through race morning) or transfer athlete data between systems

“ChronoTrack and its timing partners are providing us the best one stop solution for our organization and events.”
Nancy Lieberman, GO! St. Louis President

Want to learn about how ChronoTrack Live can help you free up your time to focus on your race, not athlete data?

To learn more about ChronoTrack, contact us.