What if we told you that the total miles Athlinks Services helped facilitate on Thanksgiving Day in 2017 was enough to make the Mayflower voyage from England to Plymouth Harbour 1,734 times? Would you believe us? Or what if we told you that as an Athlinks Services partner, you have access to the unprecedented data capabilities of our Athlinks platform? Would we have your attention then? Well, buckle up, and read on!

Unmatched Data

Turkey Day is the biggest running day of the entire year and at Athlinks Services, we can back that claim up. In 2017, 1,001,703 Athletes participated in 827 Athlinks-affiliated events. We’ve seen the number of participants on Thanksgiving grow year over year, and as that number rises, so does the power of our platform.

We put together some fun statistics in the hope that the numbers will motivate you to get your own slice of the Turkey Trot pie.

Get a Head Start

If you haven’t put together your own Thanksgiving Day event yet, it’s never too late to get started! When you’re ready to begin planning for next year, start by downloading our Race Directors Guide to Planning a Turkey Trot. Then check out our four part blog series How to Plan a Turkey Trot. This year, we encourage you to get out and join the millions of Americans running on November 22nd and see for yourself what makes this day such a staple for runners looking to start the holidays off right!

If you ARE putting on a Thanksgiving Day event:

  1. Get your registration open for this year, if it isn’t already!
  2. Make sure you are utilizing all of our capabilities that come in extra handy, including on-site registration and Launch.

If you have any questions on how to best utilize our products on such a participant-heavy day, reach out to our dedicated Account Management team at info@athlinks.com. We’re at the ready for every Athlinks Services Customer; here to help interpret and implement valuable insights.