Let Athlinks Services help put your race in front of athletes who are actively searching for their next event.

One of the most important elements of hosting an event is promotion. It’s the difference between a sold-out race and wondering why no one showed up. With the right amount of positive marketing and exposure, you’re practically guaranteed a great crowd at your event. But how do you go about making sure the right audience of athletes discovers your race?

Athlinks Services makes it easy to promote your event by giving you direct access to our database of 700,000 athletes across multiple platforms, plus the tools you need to effectively market to them. By supporting your custom event landing page on Athlinks.com, we provide you with unique marketing opportunities—your event gains exposure via Athlinks.com and the Athlinks mobile app, putting it in front of athletes who are actively searching for events.

Event Discovery

Put your event in front of athletes who are actively searching for events

Our social promotion tools and referral codes help you create and track incentives for your athletes. This will help organically spread awareness of your event and drive registration across your athletes’ own networks. For example, you can recruit race ambassadors by rewarding them with discounts based on the number of referrals they generate. You can also reward “social butterflies” that actively and regularly post about their preparation and their positive experiences at your event. (Try rewarding them with sponsor swag or discounts on future registrations.)

Too much work goes into planning an event to let it go unnoticed. Create an event landing page on Athlinks.com today and experience the joy—and ROI—of discovery.

For more information on how to grow your event, please click here. For more information on how Athlinks Services can enhance your entire Athlete Journey, please visit our new Athlinks Services-branded website. Please call 1-855-709-4555 with any questions you may have; our support team is standing by!